
Brand Identity, UX, UI

Negative perceptions and realities of safety plus long, inconvenient commute distances are key barriers to utilitarian biking in many American cities such as Minneapolis. Forth, a conceptual brand and app, overcomes these hurdles by guiding commuters on multimodal journeys featuring safe, user-customized bike routes to increase comfort and efficiency. 
Course: UX Design
School: Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Year: 2020

As an app built around moving people ahead and connecting commuters from point A to point B, the logo features a forward-pointing arrow stemming from the intersection betweeen the top and down tubes of a bike frame.

Brand imagery captures everyday moments of people riding bikes, walking, rolling, and using transit in urban settings. Spandex is nowhere in sight; rather, wardrobe styling shows folks ready for work, play, or relaxation. Helmets are absent to indicate that biking doesn’t require specialized equipment and to normalize safe street designs, rather than place the onus on individuals in using protective equipment. Models are of diverse abilities and body types to market active mobility as an accessible form of commuting.